Thursday, September 22

Behold, the amazing wonder baby!

Our baby is super.

Now, I don't just mean he is cool, hip, rad. I mean he is SUPER. Like....superman super.

Like, so super he could fight crime super.

Perhaps all parents say this of their children, but in our's true.

Here is a video to prove my point. 

Life in Fuller land has been really great the past week! David is still getting the hang of classes, but he's going strong, and I am just so proud of him!
My online classes of Microbiology and A&P I have started! Whoohoo! Now the excitement will be learning how to balance our lives as students, workers, spouses, and parents. But hey...the rest of the world does it, right? So we can to. 

Last Sunday we had a picnic with our new church and it was grand. We really like the church we have been going to. There are Asians, Hispanics, African Americans, Indians, Caucasians....people from all areas of the world and all walks of life! And there are a TON of young families with babies!!! Playmates for Jaythan! 

Sunday evening we traveled to West Philly to meet with a group of other seminary students for a time of getting to know each other and eating good food. It was potluck style, and we intend to keep it up every Sunday all semester long! 

I have also enjoyed going to the farmer's market that meets right across the street. Here are my pickings from a few weeks ago:

and here's David eating the goods....and Jaythan feeling the aftermath as kernels pelt his poor head. 

He doesn't look amused.  

 I couldn't get over how big the sweet potato was that I bought! Isn't it huge! 
Big, yes, but it doesn't work to well as a telephone.
That giant sweet potato turned into baked sweet potato fries with rosemary and garlic. They were delish. With it we had lentil and wild rice burgers! Yes...they were literally made from lentils and rice. And they were good! Add some tomato, pickle, onion, and rainbow chard, and top it off with a whole wheat bun from Whole Foods. :D

Well, it's late here, and I should go to bed. Good night!

Sunday, September 18

Jaythan's Talk Attempt

So, this is two weeks old. But...better late than never, right?!

It's proving hard than I thought to keep this blog as updated as I want. Life is just a little crazy!!

Without fail, however, I will try to post videos of Jaythan for the eager grandparents out there, no matter how busy I am!

Tuesday, September 13

No meat....wait, what!?

David and I have recently made a decision.

For some of you, this decision might seem rather extreme, so I want to explain myself.

We have decided to drastically limit our animal-based food intake. This decision has been building up for a while, but it came to a culmination after we watched the documentary "Forks over Knives" the other night. The documentary followed a pair of medical doctors who spent their lives researching the effects of meat on our diet. And their findings are astounding. Really, you should just go watch the movie :)

On to our decision...

Now, those of you who know me, this may not be a big surprise, but for those who know David, well, just take your hand and gently close your jaw.

Now, I know that the issues of meat or no meat, locally grown or not, grass-fed or grain-fed, issues of HFCS and organic veggies..(the list goes on and on)....I know that these issues and many more have been debated for some time now. Both sides have very good arguments. Quite frankly, though, I think it boils down to one main point: America's demand for animal products is TOO HIGH. We need to take it down a notch (or 200 notches...or more) and realize that the amount of meat we eat is affecting our health and the world.

Here are our personal reasons why we have decided to eat a more plant-based, whole foods diet:

1. We value simplicity: We believe that simplicity is the best way to live. Not just in the objects we own, but the way we feed our bodies. Whole, unprocessed foods as well as plant-based foods are much simpler for our lives and our wallets!

2. We value our health: We Americans are paying for the way we eat. The top three killers in America are health-related issues, all of which are also diet-related. In 2009, Americans spent $147 BILLION dollars on obesity-related health care. Officials say that this generation is the first generation in history that will live shorter lives than their parents. Type 2 diabetes in children is running rampant. One in four Americans will get diabetes and hypertension in their lifetime. (all of these are from legit sites, I promise! If you want to know that reference, just ask) The list goes on and on.

The main culprit of diabetes is obesity and too much sugar intake. Most of our sugar comes from the 'unseen' sugar in processed foods.

Heart disease is the #1 killer in America. Hypertension and heart attacks are caused by too much saturated fat and trans fat in the diet. Our main sources of these two fats are through animal products and hydrogenated oils (found in processed foods).

Countries where there is little meat consumption does not have these problems. WE EAT TOO MUCH MEAT! WE EAT TOO MUCH PROCESSED FOOD!...and it's killing us.

3. We value the environment:  The EPA states that it takes 16 lbs of grain and 2,500 gal. of water to produce 1 lb of beef. There are many other issues here, and good arguments on both sides, so many that I don't even know where to begin. Let's just say, the amount of meat, especially beef, we are demanding isn't good for the environment...I'm not saying all meat, I'm saying our current demand.

4. We value serving the minority world: David and I strongly feel a calling from God to go out into the world and help the less privileged, the under loved, the malnourished, the helpless. We have seen starving people in the world, and we cannot consciously reach out one helping hand, while we are shoving a big bacon cheeseburger down our faces with the other. I don't think that our demand of animal products is causing world hunger...but I definitely don't think it's helping, either. Remember....16 lbs of grain to 1 lb of beef....

So those are our top reasons. You can disagree, that's fine. We aren't trying to guilt others into adopting this lifestyle, but I do strongly urge you to do your research. Don't be content to be ignorant...please. There are many sources out there. Many ways to gain information. Look at everything and judge for yourself.

I do believe that all Americans need to re-evaluate the way they make meals. Instead of basing a meal around a meat, and adding "side dishes", base your meal on whole grains and vegetables. View meat as an addition to a dish to add flavor, rather than the dish itself. And trust me, you will get enough protein. Most Americans get PLENTY! The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of meat for an adult male is about 50 grams a day. For an adult woman its 45 grams. A 3-oz piece of beef (about the size of a deck of cards) has 22 grams. One cup of beans has 16 grams. One cup of cheddar cheese has 33 grams! Most foods (animal or not) contain some amount of protein...and it adds up quickly. Most Americans get over the recommended amount, even vegetarians do!

I challenge you all to try eating less meat today...see how it goes!

Oh hey, it's been a while.

Howdy everyone. Sorry it's been so long since our last real post.

Man, what to say...what to say.

This week we've been going strong with our new schedules. David has finally had one full week of class, therefore experiencing each and every class once. I am almost done with my nutrition class, and will start Microbiology and A&P I next week. Ahhh! Aside from classes, working, and Jaythan, we've been rather busy!

I started helping with the garden here on campus. Nancy, a wonderful woman who works in Admissions, started a garden this summer and then got busy. It needed a little TLC, so I offered to help! I've never really gardened before, but have always wanted to. So whenever I get the chance, I go out and weed. Very therapeutic!

There were a lot of green tomatoes that had fallen off the vine, so I went online to find out some green tomato recipes!  I found a bread/cake recipe that used tomatoes in place of zucchini. It was decent. Definitely need to tweak it a bit. Next on my list: Oven-baked breaded green tomatoes!

David and I have been in the process of deciding on a monthly food menu. One of the hardest things for me when it comes to cooking is deciding what to eat, then looking around in our cabinets to see if we have the ingredients. This will make life SO MUCH easier. By having a menu planned, I will be able to make a master grocery list, and go to the store less often. Less trips to the store = GOOD. 

This will help us with our budget. Less food will be wasted, and less gas in driving! 

And each day I will know exactly what to make and rest assured that the ingredients are all here.

On top of that, I have been taking a nutrition class. I have been learning SO MUCH about food and health! This allows me to plan well-balanced meals with all of the nutrients accounted for and the right amount of calories for David and my lifestyle. Perfect :D 

What? That would get monotonous, you say? Definitely not! You can be as vague as you want for each meal. Mondays can be pasta night, and you can have 2, 4, or 6 different dishes that you rotate in. Thursdays could be Mexican night, or even simply chicken night. You get the idea. 

Yes, it takes a little work upfront, but it will save so much time in the long run. And it can improve your health and your budget. Who wouldn't want to do that, right? 

This website really helped me. Now go on...get planning!

Wednesday, September 7

Exciting things in the land of Fullers!

So here are a few updates of the past two days:

David had his first day of grad school!

Awww...isn't he cute!

I applied for some housekeeping jobs in the area, and heard back from a potential employer! I have an interview today. Pray for me!

And last, but completely not least....

Jaythan had his first real, not just a squeal, laugh. It was adorable. So let me share it with you:

Tuesday, September 6

Toilet giggles are the best

For those of you who don't know, David and I have been practicing something called Elimination Communication. It's simply another way of listening to your baby's cues about his bodily needs. I will post more about it later! But on to my story...

A few days ago, I was sitting on the couch with Jaythan when he let out a loud noise from his rear end. 'Potty time!' I exclaimed, and David and I rushed him into the bathroom and placed him on his beloved blue potty. 

Though he didn't end up pooping, he did pee, and we had wonderful interaction in the meantime. Here is a bit of the experience!

Monday, September 5

The calm before the storm....

Hey all.

Well, not much has been going on in Fuller town. The past week as been pretty quite. Wednesday David had orientation and met some pretty cool people. That evening we invited some friends over and I cooked Chinese style. It was a great evening with Heather and Anna. Anna grew up in India where her parents were missionaries, so we were able to hear some great stories!

Saturday morning we went to a great farmer's market with some other friends. A young married couple; Joe and Cassie. Of course...they are wonderful, too! But then again...who isn't wonderful here!

Oh one.

We had big plans for Labor day, hoping to go to a big garden/park and spend the day, but I had an awful, really awful.

So what do ya do when you have a headache?? Order pizza and go to a Redbox, duh. So we chilled in the apartment today. A nice rest for David because tomorrow he starts classes! Dun dun dun!!!

And we just got back from a wonderful birthday party!! There are quite a few Koreans here at the Seminary. One family, Munkil and Boram, has a little boy who turned 1 today! So we went to the cookout right here in the backyard. All of the foreign students came out. There were Koreans, Indians, South Africans, Jamaicans, was wonderful :D

So keep David in your prayers tomorrow as he embarks on his first masters classes!

And for tonight, I leave you with this...a bouncing baby boy :D