Thursday, March 15

Jaythan (and other crazy things)

so sometime in these past few weeks, jaythan has changed. at some point, he became super-crazy kid.


i mean, he can get away with a large amount of craziness because, well, he's cute. but sometimes he just plain crosses the line.

parents out there, how in the heck to do you parent!? we've gone from 'i'm fussy because i'm hungry', to 'i'm fussy because you just took away the electrical cord that i shouldn't be playing with. it's mine! i want it! waaaaaaaaaaaah.'

like i said. crazy kid.

but this is where parenting gets interesting, right?

bring it on, jaythan....we're up for the challenge ;)

1 comment:

  1. haha--little boys! When I was nannying and limited in how I could discipline, Have a New Kid By Friday by Dr. Kevin Leman was the most helpful book I found. It addresses the parental mindset (i.e. not just what to do but how to think about discipline) and gives really practical advice. It helped me keep my cool many times! Best to you as you navigate the challenges!
